Christian K.
Chris brings a wealth of knowledge to the forefront of his teaching. My team and I all met in his class and he continues to coach us today! He’s both inspiring and integral. A mix of Dead Poets Society and withholding father figure from the 1950s.
Thomas M.
As a teacher, Chris' recognition of each student as an artist in their own right, with distinct and unique opportunities for growth, paired with an outstanding perceptiveness and ability to articulate what makes for unforgettable improvisation made this an absolutely revelatory experience as a student.
Lincoln R.
I've been improvising for almost eight years, and Chris's workshop was the first time I felt completely free to play and discover. Unencumbered by rules and forms, he created a safe space to explore with true authenticity and bold actions that helped me find my voice as a performer.
Garrett L.
Chris provides a space where all you are responsible for is listening and acting. I am not an improv actor but I thrived in the open environment. I believe this class is mandatory for all serious dramatic actors. It's a workshop, a sandbox and a playhouse. I learned to follow my impulses. There's no time to think. Chris is patient, understanding, helpful, extremely supportive, fun but also pushes you out of your comfort zone. You will grow here. Whatever success I have in my future, Chris will have been an integral part of it.
Nick K.
You'll be hard pressed to find a more inspired, passionate, and supportive improv coach and/or teacher. This is a guy who made me feel more proud of my abilities as an improviser than anyone who has taught or coached me. He clearly cares about the people he works with and wants everyone to get better. He helped me find what truly makes a scene work. His feedback is arguably the best I've ever received. The discussions after every scene are some of the most enlightening I've been a part of. Plus he is very kind, non-judgmental, and patient. He has had my back ever since I met him, and he will have yours as well. After taking one class with him, I have rarely passed up an opportunity to work with him again. He is truly one of a kind.
Cody S.
Chris gave me permission to feel very real emotions on stage. I've emerged from scenes shaken to my core, wondering who it was that just emerged. If it wasn't for his online workshops during the pandemic, I may have left improv altogether. Now I run a show every two weeks and perform in two groups, one of which is focusing on dramatic, artistic scenes.
Cruz K.
I have been in and out of practicing Improv for several years.
I've never had an instructor like Chris.
Chris provides a wonderful balance of structure and exploration beyond the expected and the conventional.
In every class, he grounds us with what is true; not only to the scene, but to the truth that is inside of us aching to play.
He encourages that we connect and dance with our intuition, your flow state.
There is discovery in every class.
Every time, I leave having grown as a performer, as an artist and as a human being.
There are so many parallels between the rules of improv and the rules of human interaction.
He is also an undeniable beast on stage. This helps when he jumps in and out of scenes to assist us.
He walks the walk. He is the real deal.
If you have not watched him perform, then you owe it to yourself as a comedy lover.
If you have found other instructors too confining, then give Chris a try.
He has also assisted me in creating exercises for my managers at work.
The games greatly help their listening. It also helps them holster their judgements about people.
This sort of work reaches beyond just improv. That is, if you're present and willing to do the work.
I recommend Chris for coaching on your improv, your listening and if you need to be rescued from taking yourself and life too seriously.

Alex S.
Chris Alvarado’s instruction is a game changer. I’m not an actor or a professional comedian. I work in technology, but I am serious about improv for all its wonderful built-in required skills, fun times and community. Chris leveled me up in a big way that no other instructor has been able to achieve, through his coaching, workshops, and focused notes. I’ve been able to successfully audition for resident teams, rapidly hone my skills and honestly have way more fun than I did before I started training with Chris.
Noah K.
Chris doesn't give you a bunch of standard improv rules nor does he give you advice on how to be wacky and crazy -- instead he comes at it from a totally fresh standpoint that's made me a far better performer, improviser, and actor (and I'm not even an actor!). He gets to the real emotion of improv. The way he teaches is inspiring because he's so into it himself, he's discovering and forging ahead with you, and he works to get you out of your head in a way that I've never experienced before. It's been life-enriching improv for me that reaches beyond the class, and that's no joke.
Gene D.
Chris is a fantastic improviser teacher/coach. First, he wants you to succeed. Second, he is very approachable. Third, he lets you know what you are doing well and Fourth, what areas you need to work on to achieve your goals. He’s a great wingman.
Eli W.
I've worked with Chris in both a classroom setting and private coaching sessions, and what sets him apart is his unique ability to connect with students and inspire. He takes the time to breakdown your scenes, very constructively, while also pushing you to improve and get the most out yourself. I've only been performing improv for less than a year and I can attest most of my progress to Chris's mentorship.
Ben G.
Classes with Chris are centered in exploration and discovery. What is improv? And what can it be? There are few, if any, preconceived ideas when you walk through the door. Chris is an experienced and mindful guide, helping nudge all of us to be our best improv selves while hosting a fun and nurturing environment.
Greg D.
Chris gives me the right mix of modeling how to do it, noting what to fix, and supporting me to be brave and explore my own being.
Sajjad K.
Chris is incredibly passionate about improv and he brings that passion to his students. By focusing on finding what’s real in a scene, Chris’s guidance and instruction helps you unlock levels you didn’t even realize you had as a performer as well as bringing out the funny without trying to be funny. I highly recommend Chris to anyone looking to learn improv or sharpen their improv skills. Improv is lucky to have someone like Chris!
Giuditta T.
Once I began training with Chris, I found his work much deeper, more connected to emotions and reality, than the whimsical world of improv. In every class we experiment with something new, we go deeper into the work, exploring both 2 people scenes as well as group dynamics and character build. I have since joined a group coached by him, that performs twice a month in a small theater. I am having the time of my life. I continue taking Chris' classes to perfect my skills, have tons of fun and hang out with an amazing and talented group of people. Chris is a pleasure to be with, he is insightful, respectful, playful and capable to bring out the best in a new or seasoned performer. I highly recommend his classes.
Sarah S.
Chris Alvarado is the best improv teacher in the world and one of my favorite people I’ve ever met. He really really really really cares—about improvisation, yes, but mostly about honesty and authenticity in performance. He is constantly growing as a teacher as well as a performer, and as he grows, his students grow, and as his students grow, he grows. With him as a teacher, I’ve done my best scene work and I’ve seen his students push the boundaries of their art in ways that just don’t happen very often. He approaches his work with curiosity, passion, and care. He will push you and he will ask you to be courageous and he will hold a safe and loving space for you to rise to the challenge. If you ever get a chance to take his class, do not miss the opportunity!